
Beberapa Google Ping Dashyat Supaya blog anda melejit

Ini adalah  Google Ping Luar biasa yang harus anda coba.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan ping? ping adalah memanggil. Lebih tepatnya memanggil robot search engine atau  mesin pencari  seperti google untuk browsing  halaman situs web atau blog yang di ping kan ke google agar cepat dan mudah terindex.
Jika situs web ataupun blog Sobat sudah terdaftar dan ada sitemap atau peta situs di google dengan  jasa atau melalui google webmaster tools maka robot google akan mengindeks setiap halaman baru dari website blog maupun situs Sobat.
Cuma saat  'waktu berkunjung' ( robot google )  untuk mengindeks halaman baru dari blog kita tidak tentu bisa cepat dan bisa juga lambat, dan sering kalinya lambat karena blog kita baru berkenalan dengan search engine google.
Maka  itu perlu adanya pemberitahuan  ping  kepada robot google agar website maupun blog kita dapat segera di crawl atau dijelajahi oleh robot google ( Googlebot ) sehingga cepat masuk database hasil pencarian google.

Sekarang ini banyak sekali layanan dari sebuah website yang menyediakan fasilitas layanan ping ke Google. diantaranya :

1. Free Online Ping Tool googleping.org

Google Ping your blogs and websites with our free online ping tool.
Google Ping service notify that your blog or web has been updated.

A little more about what we do
Ping-O-Holic automatically lets services & search engines know that your website has updated. Fill out the form below and leave the rest to us.


2. Mass Ping

Free mass ping tool help to Google for find new content and backlinks. Have you added a new page, written some new content or new backlinks for your website? Instantly bring Google and 50 other services to your URLs, to quickly get that content indexed or updated. Now you don't wait for ever, for the next visit from their web crawler!

 QUICK indexes new content or web pages and improve your search engine rankings! Mass ping is a free online tool that easily promotes your blog or website. Automatically ping in 70 different search engines. Mass ping is a free online tool that easily promotes your blog or website. Mass Ping Alert search engines about new content, websites or pages of your website. Allow search engines to find new pages much faster than through normal methods. Enjoy our service and sharing with your friends! For WP blogs see our Latest Updated WordPress Ping List 2015 for faster indexing Of new posts.


Is a service to update different search engines that your blog has updated.
We regularly check downstream services to make sure that they're legit and still work. So while it may appear like we have fewer services, they're the most important ones.
Make sure to only ping specialized services if they're relevant to your blog, otherwise you'll cause an undue burden on them.

A premium subscription allows you to store your URLs in your account. Your URLs will be automatically pinged daily (level of subscriptions apply). A premium account not only saves you the hassle of having to ping each of your URLs manually, it also ensures that pinging is performed frequently and in a timely manner. Premium accounts are pinged daily and to an exclusive list of ping resources, ensuring maximum exposure to search engines. You can also benefit from the many tools and plugins that we offer.

Sign up today to our basic package price of $2.99 / month and enjoy the best pinging site on the net. We offer different packages to suit your needs and right up to 10000 URLs! 

Sementara rekomendasi google ping nya itu dulu. 
Silahkan di coba dan lihat hasil peningkatan di blog anda.
Salam dan terimakasih
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